
时间与日期 (北京时间)

Date and Time (Irish Time)
10.00am-12.00pm, 26/06/2021

报告平台: 腾讯会议在线直播平台
Online Conference: Tencent Meeting

会议ID:522 732 070

Link: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/T8BCj6rXROy3
Conference ID: 522 732 070

北京时间6月26日下午5点,ICAERE会员南丹麦大学生物系(长聘)助理教授徐亘博博士将在腾讯会议在线开展ICAERE系列学术报告。报告题目为:“微纳米塑料:何以备受关注?Micro(nano)plastics: Why should we care?”。报告语言为英语。
徐亘博博士现任南丹麦大学生物系(长聘)助理教授、博导、SapereAude Research Leader (丹麦 ‘优青’ )。2015年于香港大学获得博士学位; 后在美国加州大学Riverside分校和加拿大麦吉尔大学进行博士后研究。研究方向为环境毒理和生态毒理,致力于通过毒理基因组学、生物信息学、海洋生物学、生态学、环境化学、遗传学等交叉学科技术探究和预测环境新型污染物的潜在环境危害和毒性机制。获科研经费近一千万人民币,在PNAS, Accounts of Chemical Research, ES&T,ES&T Lett, JHM等杂志发表论文70余篇, 包括3篇ESI Highlycited paper和1篇Hot paper。微纳米塑料相关研究获Nature (Headline)、Science等300余国际媒体报道。获JamesHenry Scott Scholarship、Best ES&T Lett Paper、ACS Editors’ Choice Article、RSC bestpaper、SETACrecent graduate award、Research Dissemination Prize of SDUNat等科研荣誉。目前研究集中在:高通量细胞毒理学和行为毒理学方法建立;微纳米塑料的环境行为和生物生态效应;微纳米塑料和内分泌干扰物的毒性分子机制。徐博士现担任Journal of Hazardous Materials青年顾问编委和Environment International客座编辑。
Dr. Elvis Genbo Xu is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Toxicology and Sapere Aude Research Leaderat the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2015 and joined SDU after his postdoctoral research at UC Riverside and McGill University. Dr. Xu’s research combines techniques from toxicogenomics, bioinformatics, marine biology, ecology,environmental chemistry, and genetics, to understand the eco-environmental impacts of emerging pollutants. He has received national and international research fundings of over 1.5 million USD; published over 70 papers in PNAS, Accounts of Chemical Research,ES&T, ES&T Lett, JHM, etc., including 3 ESI Highly Cited Papers and 1 Hot Paper. His recent research on micro(nano)plastics has been reported by 300+ international media including Nature(Headline) and Science. He is a recipient of multiple academic awards, e.g., James Henry Scott Scholarship, Best ES&T Lett Paper, ACS Editors’ Choice Article, RSC best paper, SETAC recent graduate award, Research Dissemination Prize of SDU Nat. Dr. Xu’s current research focuses on establishing high-throughput toxicological methods; investigating environmental behavior and biological effects of micro(nano)plastics; and revealing toxicmolecular mechanisms of micro(nano)plastics and EDCs. Dr. Xu also serves as Early Career Editorial Board member of the Journal of Hazardous Materials and Guest Editor of Environment International.



Posted on
June 14, 2021
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